13 SEO Traffic Hacks: How to Increase Website Traffic

Organic traffic is significant because it’s a continuous, long-term source of visitors to your site. It takes a long but the lifetime value is higher than other marketing channels.

When you start, you can leave many things that may optimize your site for search engines like Google. But as you grow, you realize the importance of taking a step back and seeing the larger picture.

Keeping this in mind, follow these tips to boost your website traffic.

Sounds great? Let’s begin!

13 Advanced SEO Traffic Hacks to Increase Website Visits

Bookmark this post before you jump on the tricks to increase your website’s page views. Do something about one hack, and then come back to follow another. This will increase your chance of being successful in getting the traction you want.

1/ Publish Evergreen Content.

One of the best ways to increase your SEO traffic is to publish evergreen content. It’s the content that remains relevant and helpful for a long time.

For example, the news and events will eventually become outdated, but an article about how to tie a tie will always be relevant for years. An evergreen piece of content can be anything like:

  • Listicle.
  • How-to guide.
  • Infographic.
ContentTypes for Content Distribution

And the list goes on! Listicles bring in a lot of SEO traffic to your site.

And you can find tons of keyword ideas with this free Keyword Research Tool and Questions Explorer. Or you can jump on the premium tools like Ahrefs or SEMRush.

2/ Optimize Your Title Tags and Meta Descriptions.

Ensure that your title tags and meta descriptions are optimized for your target keywords. This will help you rank higher in the search results and get more click-throughs from potential customers.

This is how you can improve your titles:

  • Use numbers and words like ‘free’ or ‘hacks.’
  • Come up with a short and snappy title for your post.
  • Use a word that shows action, emotion, or power.
  • Be specific in detail.
  • Add the current year to your SEO title.

And for that, you can use tools like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer, and Monsterinsight’s Headline Analyzer to analyze and test your title tags.

Let me show you the title score of this post according to MonsterInsight’s Headline Analyzer:

Monsterinsight Headline Analzyer of H-Educate Post (SEO Traffic Hacks)
I scored 79 for this title, which is great!

3/ Add the Retargeting Pixel Carefully

Retargetting can be extremely rewarding if done correctly. By placing a simple pixel code on your website, you can show ads to people who visit your site. This helps increase brand awareness, ultimately leading to more traffic to your site.

With a web beacon, you can also cater customized content to your visitors. You can show people’s behavior to predict their buying choices with pixel targetting.

4/ Ensure to Target One Main Keyword Per Page

It’s probably one of the SEO traffic hacks overlooked the most. When optimizing your website for SEO, it’s essential to focus on one primary keyword per page. Avoid content or keyword cannibalization at all costs.

Keyword research

Try to rank for multiple keywords and get more SEO traffic to your site. Remember to write about relevant but different topics on each page of your website.

5/ Use CDNs to Server Your Posts Based on Users’ Location

CDNs are a network of servers that deliver content based on users’ location. When someone visits your website, the CDN will serve them the content from a server that’s closest to their location.

Use CDN for (SEO Traffic Hacks)
Cloudflare CDN

This helps to improve your website’s loading speed, which is a ranking factor in Google’s algorithm. It also helps to improve the user experience on your site, leading to more SEO traffic.

6/ Offer Deals or Discounts to Educational Institutes

Backlinks are essential for SEO, especially from the .edu domain names. The more backlinks you have from high-authority websites, the higher your chances of ranking in the search results.

One way to get high-quality backlinks is to offer deals or discounts to educational institutes like universities or colleges. In exchange for a link back to your website, you can offer a discount on your products or services.

7/ Use Schema Microdata

Schema microdata is a little code that you can add to your website to help search engines understand your content better. It’s a type of structured data that you can use to mark up your website.

Use Schema Markup on SERPs (SEO traffic hacks)

For example, you can use FAQs schema to let search engines know that your page has a list of questions and answers. This can help your website rank higher in the search results for relevant queries.

It’s not guaranteed to increase your site’s traffic, but it’s a wonderful SEO traffic hack because it works. After all, you make a search engine’s job easy! And you have a high chance of getting a featured snippet, which is a zero position on the SERP.

8/ Explore Social Media to Renovate Your Marketing Strategy

Social media should be one of the traffic hacks unrelated to SEO, of course. But why not tap into other sources of traffic when you can.

Social media

Platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn offer opportunities for you to share your content and drive traffic back to your site. But they might not work for you. So you need to explore more social sites to decide on one or two.

9/ Repurpose Your Content for Other Content Types

One of the best website traffic hacks is to turn your blog posts into other content types. And then, you can link back to your blog post from that piece of content.

This is an effective way to increase your traffic because you’re creating multiple touchpoints for people to find your content. It also links back to your site, which is good for SEO.

For example, you can turn your blog post into:

  • Video.
  • Infographic.
  • SlideShare.
  • eBook.
  • Social media posts.

And the list goes on. You can create your content distribution strategy here.

Featured snippets are the little boxes you often see at the top of the search results. They’re designed to give people a quick answer to their query without clicking on a website.

Google Featured Snippet

But people click on them to get more details about their query. To get your website in a featured snippet, you need to optimize your web pages for the right keywords. Use these tips to optimize your posts for featured results:

  • Use schema markup.
  • Answer straight to the point.
  • Use short paragraphs and sentences.
  • Add eye-catching images, videos, or infographics.
  • Add facts and neatly present them.
  • Ensure one post answers many similar questions.

And keep monitoring how you’re doing using SEMRush or Ahrefs. Both these tools are unique for everything SEO.

11/ Use Google’s Search Console to Find SEO Opportunities

Google’s Search Console is a free tool that can help you find SEO opportunities for your website. It provides data and insights about your website’s performance in the search results.

For example, it can show you which of your web pages are getting the most impressions and clicks in the search results. It can also show you which queries your website is ranking for.

You can use this data to improve your SEO strategy and get more traffic to your website. If your page appears on SERPs for the query you’re not explicitly targeting, create a new blog post about it.

12/ Write a Quick Response Post

If there’s a hot topic in your industry that people are talking about, write a quick response post about it. To ensure your post ranks high, you need to optimize it for the right keywords and get it published quickly.

You can use Google Trends to see if there’s an increase in searches for a particular topic.

Google Trends

If there is, that means people are interested in it, and you should write about it. A quick response post is easy to create and can help you get a lot of traffic.

13/ Blog About Something Before It Gets Traction

Everything is all about leveraging your current ability to do something bigger. You have the ignorable ability when you’re starting. And then gradually, you start getting better at something. That’s the case with a few things as well.

Exploding Topics for Trending Topics (SEO Traffic Hacks)

Use these tips to surface growing topics before they take off:

  • Browse exploding topics for hot trends.
  • Use Google Trends to research potential blog topics.
  • Explore social media to see what people are talking about.
  • Jump on AppSumo for excellent tools in the industry.
  • Check out Quora and Reddit to find out what people are interested in.
  • Read industry-specific publications to find out about new trends.

For example, if you blog about something that is launched just now. But it slowly starts getting traction. And you’ll bring in a lot of SEO traffic for that thing.

Explore Trending Products (SEO Traffic Hacks)

The Crypto industry is reasonably new. But it’s changing with godspeed, and so is the competition to rank for the terms about it. I made a video about ‘How to mine Cardano (ADA)‘ on YouTube.

And its ranking for the term on the first page of Google and YouTube.

My Post Ranking on Google (SEO Traffic Hacks)

Why? Because I was one of the first to make a video on it. You can blog about something relatively new in your industry and get a ton of SEO traffic for it later.

FAQs about SEO Traffic Hacks & How to Boost Website Traffic

There are many myths about organic and paid traffic and ways to boost website visits. So let me break them down by answering a few questions about them.

1/ What is SEO traffic?

SEO traffic is the number of visits to your website referred by search engines through free or paid ways. It includes organic and paid traffic as well.

2/ Does website traffic help SEO?

There’s a lot of debate on whether social or direct website traffic affects SEO. While some say it does, others claim that SEO is more about the quality of traffic than the quantity. Honestly, it doesn’t directly contribute to improving the search rankings.

Analyze Traffic Source: (SEO Traffic Hacks)

But I’ve seen that existing traffic signals search engines about a site’s domain authority. According to this SEMRush report, direct website traffic is one of the most crucial ranking factors.

3/ How to increase website traffic fast?

There are many ways to improve SEO traffic. You can use SEO techniques to optimize your website for better rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). This will help you get more visibility and clicks from potential visitors.

You can also use paid methods to get more traffic from search engines like Google.

4/What’s the best SEO traffic checker?

The best SEO traffic estimators are Ahrefs and SEMRush, but they’re paid tools. If you want something free forever, you’d love this SEO Analyzer because it estimates your site’s traffic and gives you an overview of your SEO efforts.

SEO Analyzer

5/ How to forecast SEO traffic?

There are various SEO traffic tools, both paid and free, that estimate the traffic your website gets. However, they all use different methodologies to estimate traffic. So, it’s best to take these estimates with a grain of salt.

You need to curate your template for quick estimates using Excel or Notion for forecasting SEO traffic. And follow these steps to estimate the SEO performance of your site or blog:

1: Gather historical data.

2: Review historical data.

3: Use an in-house or automated SEO forecasting tool.

Choose from these tools to get an idea of how much traffic you can generate from SEO in the next month or two:

  1. Prophet by Facebook
  2. Google Data Studio
  3. SEO Keyword Forecasting by SEOmonitor

Forecasting your website’s traffic is important because it gives you an idea of how much SEO effort is required to generate the desired results. It also allows you to track your progress and optimize your SEO strategy accordingly.

6/ How much time does it take to get SEO traffic?

The time it takes to get SEO traffic depends on tons of factors, such as the age of your website, the competition for your keywords, the quality of your efforts, and more. Generally, it takes 6-8 months to start seeing results from SEO. But in some cases, it can take up less or more than that.

7/ What is referral traffic in SEO?

Referral traffic is the number of visits referred to your website from other websites. It’s a good idea to track referral traffic in your SEO efforts because it can give you metrics to analyze your performance.

Referral Traffic (SEO Traffic Hacks)

8/ What is raw traffic in SEO?

Raw traffic is the number of visits to your website without any filters. The total number of visitors to your site, regardless of whether they came from organic search, paid search, social media, or any other source.

TL; DR: How to Increase SEO Traffic of Your Site

Too long, didn’t read? No worries because I’ve got you covered. Let me share and summarize SEO traffic hacks and tips to boost your website visitors:

  1. Write response posts.
  2. Use schema markups.
  3. Publish evergreen content.
  4. Optimize your titles and meta.
  5. Optimize for featured results.
  6. Add retargeting pixel carefully.
  7. Target one primary keyword per post.
  8. Explore different social media platforms.
  9. Use CDNs to serve content based on a user’s location.
  10. Repurpose your content for other content types and platforms.
  11. Blog about something that will probably get traction in the future.
  12. Offer deals to educational institutes for .edu backlinks and brand awareness.

That’s all for today! I hope you find these SEO traffic tips and tricks helpful in increasing visitors to your website. Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions or suggestions.

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